Day 212 – Daniel & Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream & Humbling


  • Daniel 4
  • Daniel 5:18-21
  • Romans 13:1-4


Pray… a prayer of humbleness before God, knowing that He is the author and creator of all things, and in complete control.

Day 212 – Daniel & Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream & Humbling

God establishes authorities


  • Each chapter of Daniel is a great new story, isn’t it? They all come together though as part of the book, and indeed the whole Bible, to tell general truths about God. After reading today’s passages, what do you think is the main theme running through them today?
  • Nebuchadnezzar certainly knew about Daniel’s God, after the events of Daniel 2 and 3, and as Daniel 4 opens, it looks like he was beginning to follow Him. What dream did he have in the early part of the chapter?
  • What was Daniel’s reaction to the dream directly after the king shared it with him? Knowing that it was bad news for the king, was Daniel scared about telling the king the true meaning? Despite this, it’s important to see that Daniel did accurately share God’s message to the king. Who else has done that recently in our readings towards the end of 2 Kings?
  • Describe the meaning of the dream. Who was represented by the tree, and what did God say would happen to him? How was the king going to be humbled? Was there any way that the king could avoid these events happening?
  • A whole year passed where God’s patient grace gave the king a chance to repent. Did he? What happened as he walked along the roof of the royal palace one evening?
  • How was the king humbled? This king had more power than our current prime minister and queen combined, and vastly more wealth. Can you imagine how a man in that position would feel to be made to be live like an animal?
  • When his mind later became clear, what was Nebuchadnezzar’s response? Focus on Daniel 4:37, as well as the summary Daniel gave later in the passage from chapter 5.
  • How does the New Testament writing of Paul pick up the theme of humility in front of God, regardless of our human status or position? What does the passage tell us about submitting to the good authorities that we have over us?



Nebuchadnezzar was the human king who brought about the destruction of Jerusalem that God promised. God is now using that same king to bring about another message, isn’t He? Think about how you can humble yourself before God, and amongst the people around you. Do you have a servant attitude?


Don’t forget that we worship a servant king too. No-one greater was ever humbled in the way Jesus was as he came from His throne in heaven and died a criminal’s death. To finish off your studies today, take a listen to the song I’ve attached below, and focus carefully on the wonderful truth in the words:


“Come, see His hands and His feet – the scars that speak of sacrifice.
Hands that flung stars into space, to cruel nails surrendered.
This is our God, the servant King, He calls us now to follow Him.
To bring our lives as a daily offering, of worship to the Servant King.”







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