Day 272 – Jesus’ New Teaching Style


  • Matthew 13
  • Isaiah 6:8-10
  • Psalm 78:1-4


Pray… that through Jesus’ parables, you may understand great and powerful truth in the most simple of messages. Pray that you will see the gospel as the most valuable thing that anyone could ever have.

Day 272 – Jesus’ New Teaching Style

After Israel’s rejection, Jesus starts teaching in parables


  • Eight parables are recorded in Matthew 13 as Jesus’ teaching is explained simply to the people heard it. We won’t look at all the parables in these notes, but we will see that they all have common themes. I encourage you to think about what each one means for yourself before you end today’s study.
  • You’ll know the parable of the sower, I expect. Could you explain the meaning of the parable, including the people represented by the seed, without looking at the text? Have a go! Then re-read the text and see if you missed anything important. How well did you know the parable? Was it helpful that Jesus clearly explained the meaning?
  • I see real honest truth in the parable of the sower. Do you know people who you could place in the four different “responses” to the gospel? Which group do you put yourself in?
  • What sort of people was Jesus talking to when He talked in parable? What reasons does Jesus give, especially in Matthew 13:10-17, about the reason He had for speaking in parable? Why do you think so many of the stories were related to farming?
  • Jesus’ parable of the weeds might be less well known to you. Read it, and then read Jesus’ explanation of the parable in Matthew 13:36-43. Did the explanation help you to understand the parable better, or did you “get it” first time? Either way, what’s the basic message of this parable? Spend time on this question and focus on this text. It’s an important parable to consider when explaining why God hasn’t “rooted out” all the evil in this world already.
  • Have you ever considered that God’s “delay” in removing all sin from this world could be a significant act of grace of God? By waiting, what is God giving the people who haven’t come to Jesus an opportunity to do?
  • The mustard seed is a tiny seed that grows into a great plant. What does the mustard seed (and the hidden treasure, and the pearl of great value) represent? Do you treasure the gospel like it’s the most valuable thing you have?


When you hear a sermon, or perhaps a talk at youth club, what’s the thing that helps you remember what was said?


If the speaker knocked you square between the eyes with the message then you might remember the actual points the speaker said, or the verses. More often, however, you’ll remember a story or an anecdote that was shared to illustrate the point first, and you’ll (hopefully) then recall the biblical message afterwards.


Jesus knew well that this method of teaching worked, so he laid out His message to the crowds in a way that was immediately familiar. Many of Jesus’ teachings were about farming, because that was what people did. Nowadays, perhaps Jesus would make a comment about a TV show or video game, perhaps, or maybe the Premier League, to illustrate the point, like I’m sure you’ve heard in plenty of sermons!


When we share the gospel, there is no point in being clever about it, or complicated. We should meet people where they are, explaining the gospel message of salvation in whatever way the hearer needs to hear it. Hopefully I’m doing a reasonable job of that right now with you, Harry, Anabel and Jonah! How are you at clearly telling people what you believe in? Would it help you to consider explaining it using an example or story? If so, could you prepare one and write it in your journal?






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